Assalamualaikum wbt dan salam sejahtera,
Tahun ini Zaheen request brownies sempena hari lahirnya yang ke 10 tahun pada 26 Disember yang lalu. Tak jemu jemu dia dengan brownies. Kali ini saya buatkan brownies versi kukus pula menggunakan resepi seperti di bawah. Sangat sedap, teksturnya sungguh lembut dan lembab, tidak jemu bila menjamahnya. Terimakasih banyak diucapkan kepada Pn Mufidah selaku penyumbangnya.
Resipi: Mufidah Abdul Hadi Alyunusi
Sukatan menggunakan cawan dan sudu metrik..
1 cawan metrik = 250 ml cecair
Bahan A:
2 biji telur
1/2 cawan susu cair
1/2 cawan susu pekat manis
100 ml minyak
1/2 cawan gula castor
Bahan-bahan yg diayak bersama:
1/3 cawan serbuk koko (boleh tambah hingga 1/2 cawan jika suka lebih koko)
1/2 cawan tepung gandum
1/2 sudu teh baking powder
1/4 sudu teh baking soda
Satukan bahan-bahan A dan masukkan ke dalam blender. Kisar perlahan-lahan hingga sebati. Masukkan bahan-bahan yang diayak dan kisar lagi hingga sebati. (Kalau tak nak guna blender, guna mixerpun boleh). Masukkan ke dalam loyang 7 atau 8 inci yang digriskan dahulu dan dialas dengan kertas minyak dan kukus lebih kurang 25-35 minit hingga masak. (Simpan sedikit sahaja adunan ini untuk membuat corak atas lapisan keju nanti). Bila brownies dah masak, baru tuangkan adunan keju di atasnya.

Lapisan Keju:
(sy buat 1/2 adunan sahaja)
500g cream cheese
4 biji telur grade B
140g gula halus
Sedikit esen vanilla
Pukul cream cheese hingga gebu. Masukkan gula dan pukul hingga sebati. Masukkan pula telur dan vanilla. Pukul lagi hingga rata. Tuang ke atas brownies yang dah siap dikukus. Ambil sedikit adunan brownies dan titiskan ke atas adunan keju. Lorekkan dengan hujung pisau atau lidi. Kukus semula lebih kurang 20 minit dengan api sederhana hingga masak. Sejukkan sebelum dipotong dan dihidangkan.
Nota: Kek ni boleh juga dibakar secara steam bath
Here's the English version of the recipe:
Steamed Cheezy Brownies
(Brownies Cheese Kukus)
Recipe by: Mufidah Abdul Hadi Alyunusi
Brownies mixture:
2 large eggs
1/2 cup eveporated milk (125 ml)
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
100 ml cooking oil
1/2 cup castor sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
To be sifted together:
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
Cheese mixture:
500 g cream cheese-softened at room temperature
140 g powdered sugar
4 medium sized eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
Brush a 7x7 inches square pan with softened butter and line the base with 2-3 layers of parchment paper, extending over two sides of the pan. Set aside.
Place the eggs, sugar, evaporated milk, sweatened condensed milk and vanilla inside the blender jar and whizz until well blended (You can also use a mixer to mix the ingredients).
Add the sifted ingredients and whizz again until well blended. Put aside a small amount of the brownies mixture for decoration.
Pour into the prepared pan and steam over moderate heat for about 20-30 minutes until done, or bake using waterbath method until cooked.
While waiting for the brownies to cook, prepare the cheese layer. Beat the cream cheese using a mixer until softened.
Add in the powdered sugar and beat until the sugar dissolves. Add in the vanilla essence and eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
When the brownies layer is cooked, pour the cheese mixture onto it. Then drizzle the choc mixture that has being put aside onto the cheese layer.
Drag the tip of a toothpick through the cheese batter, swirling the chocolate mixture through the cheese layer.
Steam once again over moderate heat about 25-35 minutes or bake using steambath method until the cheese layer is set. Let cool inside the pan before hiM the brownies out of the pan.
Please store the leftover brownies inside the fridge.