
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Zebra Cake

Salam semua,
Kek yang outdated, opppsss sorry, sorry bukan kek yang outdated, tapi yang membikin kek ini yang outdated kerana terlambat mencubanya. Sepatutnya kek ini dibuat semasa tengah panas panas di tayangan amal, baru seronok tengok. Memang geram betul tengok semua bloggers masak masak dok tayang kek ni kat rumah mereka suatu masa dulu, cantik kek kuda belang ni, secantik rasanya. Lembut dan enak sekali. Alahai baru hari ni la saya berkesemptan untuk mencubanya.

Aikkk, pasai apa kek ni tak berapa nampak belang belang dia??? Laaa tak berapa jadi la belang belang dia huhuhu...... nak nangih la ni. Tapi pujuk hati balik, haiiissshh adalah sikit nampak iras iras dia kan, kan? Ok la, saya tepek resepi dia lagi sekali kot kot ada yang tak buat lagi, cuba na jangan tak cuba, kek ni memang sedap kat tekak saya hehehe. Resepi ni saya cilok dari rumah Gert.Asal dari Jo's Deli & Bakery. Terimakasih diucapkan buat keduanya.

Ingredients :

6 eggs
110g sugar
150g cake flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tbsp emulsifier/ovalette (optional)
100g butter, melted
30g condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla essence (optional)
2 tbsp cocoa powder * )
1 tsp of instant coffee *) *Mix this 2 ingredients with 3-4 tbsp of hot water

Preheat oven at 350 degree F. Prepare and grease a 8 inch round cake pan.
Sift flour and baking powder. Set aside.

Beat eggs, flour, sugar and emulsifier on high speed for 10 minutes or until batter
turns light and creamy, i.e. thick ribbon state. To test, lift beater. Batter drops from beater should disappear when you count from 1 to 10.

Pour melted butter, condensed milk and vanilla essence (if any). Mix at slow speed.
Divide batter into 2 equal portions. Fold chocolate solution into one of the batters.
Using tablespoon, scoop 3 tbsp of uncoloured batter into centre of cake pan. Then,
scoop 3 tbsp of chocolate batter on top of uncoloured batter.

Repeat until you have finished about half of the batter. Reduce to 2 scoops each
now and continue layering.

Reduce the amount of batter gradually until you only pour 1 scoop of each batter
finally. The circles become smaller and smaller as your pour.
Bake int he oven for 40-45 or until golden brown. Let cake in pan for 10 minutes
before turning it on to a wire rack to cool complete

Note : Emulsifer is a stabilizer for cake batter when beaten rapidly, provide delicate and soft texture to cake.

Asal dari Jo's Deli & Bakery


  1. Salam kak Wattie, sedapnya tgk kek akak ni....nk ler rasa sepotong..hehe

  2. eeeeee...nampak gebusssss betul....ada lagi tak? nak ngendeng boleh hehehe

  3. Wsalam Nieza,
    Alaaaa siannya, dah habih ler Nieza, kenapa lambat habag, klu tak leh akak simpan sepotong

  4. Salam Noor,
    memang gebusss giler kek kuda belang tu, nanti akak wat lagi baru Noor leh ngendeng balik yer
