
Monday, November 21, 2011


Salam isnin semua,
Hari ini bereksperimentsasi pula dengan eclairs. Resepi ni saya perolehi daripada teman sepejabat sewaktu saya bekerja dahulu. Siap dibuat salinan dari buku untuk saya. Tak pasti pula buku apa. Ini kali pertama saya mencuba resepi ini setelah beberapa tahun diselitkan di dalam fail masakan saya.

Doh ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan cream puff dan eclairs.
Saya letakkan fresh cream di dalamnya dan sedikit piping chocolate dan cream sebagai hiasan.

Kepada yang ingin mencuba, di bawah ini saya salinkan semula resepinya dan juga buat rujukan saya di masa hadapan.


250ml water
1 ml salt
60 gm unsalted butter
15 ml granulated sugar
150 gm plain flour
4 large eggs - beaten

1. Preheat oven to 190C. Butter and lightly flour baking sheet.

2. Place water, salt, butter and sugar in heavy bottomed saucepan. Cook over medium heat. Continue cooking for 2 minutes after liquid starts to boil.

3. Reduce heat to low. Add all of flour and mix rapidly with wooden spoon. Cook dough until it no longer sticks to spoon or fingers when pinched. Be sure to mix constantly.

4. Remove pan from heat and transfer mixture to bowl. Let cool 3 minutes.

5. Incorporate eggs one at time, mixing well between additions. Mixture must regains its smooth texture before next egg is added. The finished dough should be shiny and smooth.

6. Fit piping bag with plain, round tip. Fill piping bag with dough and squeeze out shapes of your choice, the size of an egg for cream puffs or 10cm (4in) long strips for eclairs. Leave space between each.

7. Brush tops of shapes with beaten egg, smoothing tails left by piping bag. Let stand at room temperature for 20 minutes.

8. Bake 35 minutes in oven. Turn off heat and position door ajar. Let stand 45 minutes.

9. When cold, fill with your choice of pastry cream or whipped cream. Glaze tops with caramel or chocolate.


  1. salam kak wattie .. sedapnya eclairs.... bahan0bahannya pun mudah.. wahh tang topping tu yg menggetar jiwa .. hihi sebab coklat

  2. Wattieeee.....
    tak mahu cuba buat sebab tak pandai...(hentak kaki nih...)nak 3ketul...nak tapau bawa pulang....nak makan sorang2 je...

  3. salam kak...coklat mengalir2 buat saya terliur ni hehe

  4. sedapnya kak! teringin nak try buat. :D
